Automated Lead Generation Tips

It is smart to develop automated lead generation strategies that help you attract qualified sales leads that want what you have to offer.  However, over automation of lead generation can lead to poor results instead of great lead generation.

As the chief strategiest for our lead generation system, I buy many lead generation tools and take other lead generation courses.  I try lead generation strategies that I do not necessarily agree with, but I need to see if they work as advertised or just waste people’s time.

I do run some 100% automated sites and they do get good traffic.  However, they also produce sites with no credibility and I had one that auto generated hate speech and another that generated a whole series on child molesters – even though these topics had nothing to do with the keyword importing.  You can see how 100% automation can be dangerous to your reputation and to your business.

But, if you did everything from scratch and never automated lead generation at all, you would also suffer because it would take too long to get results and you would be competing against people that are automating sales and lead development.

So here are some automated lead generation tips that are safer than full automation.

  1. Leverage your articles across multiple sites and in networks of article directories and blog directories.  Always use the best version of the article and use it first on your own site.  Then spin unique versions across networks a week or more later.

  2. Target the long tail by combining your key lead generation terms with things like local city names and other long tail keywords.  You can use a combination of article spinning and mail merge to produce.

  3. Build your automated lead generation system with an auto responder like aWeber to automate fast followup.

  4. Take baby steps – Building an effective automatic lead generation system is not something you finish in a day.  Build piece by piece and do continuous improvement and testing.  Automated is not easier – it is harder to set up but simplifies your life in the future.  It is a lead generation asset that will pay off down the road.

All of these issues and more are addressed in the Buzzoodle lead generation system, which I strongly suggest you review if you want to build an automated lead generation program that has great website ROI and long term value.